Monday 23 July 2018



Everyone deals with anger in their own way. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The point is 
that when I am getting irritated I find it hard to stop been irritated which eventually leads me to getting angry, which is not a good thing for me to be as last time I got properly angry I put a hole i one of the walls in my house. usually the most that I feel is irritation when something is not going well but on the rare occasion that I get angry I deal with it by either going for a walk or for a drink at my local. but other people with Asperger's may deal with it differently to me by lets say, using a punching bag to vent on. better than someone else that's for sure. or they may go for a run or weight lift. some may even use their anger and channel it into something creative like painting. apparently it is quite therapeutic and the painting would be their physical representation of their rage. now I can't paint for the life of me so that is out. some could play an instrument like the drums or piano. if I could play the piano and I got angry then I would play it like Davy Jones from pirates of the Caribbean dead mans chest. that was some serious angry playing. well that's me for now so until next time.