Saturday 14 January 2017

Aspergers and the uncanny valley

The uncanny valley is a robotics term but applies to aspergers. Take a robot arm. You find it cute in a way. Then make it more humanoid and cartoonish. People like it because it is endearing and people know it isn't human. However if you (the autistic person) try to hard to fit in and be perfect then people can't put their finger on why they feel strange around you and dislike you or find you creepy. That is where you fall into the uncanny valley. Likable to a point but thought of as creepy when you try to hard to fit in. My secret is I don't bother to hide my quirkiness, why should I? If people can't accept me for who I am then that's their problem. Besides most people I talk to be it friends, family or strangers they ask if I have Autism. When I reply in the affirmative they tell me they thought so but they then say I can be likable but not creepy. So the secret is don't hide your quirkiness. Aspieblogger signing off.

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